Join us for a special worship service full of special music, holiday readings and the decorating of the church sanctuary and lobby for Christmas! Many individuals and church families will be participating- we would love to see you for this special holiday service…
Join us on Saturday, October 26th from 11:00am-1:00pm for Trunk or Treat! Signup on our website homepage to register your car, volunteer or donate candy. The rain date is October 27th from 2:00pm-4:00pm. (Concessions will be available to purchase during the event) Questions? Contact Celeste Jenkins – Click HERE for registration link!
Registration begins at 4:00pm Friday, October 4th. Saturday, October 5th is an ALL DAY event beginning at 8:30am with workshops for all levels, vendors, open mic, jam sessions, a catered dinner and an evening concert! Many talented guest musicians including the famous Aloha Boys…visit for more information!
SENIOR FELLOWSHIP: On Saturday, August 24th at 3:00 PM the seniors (50 yrs. and older) will travel via carpool to Kauffman’s BBQ for dinner and a round of mini-golf if you’re interested. Don’t forget to sign-up at the Seniors’ table in lobby!
Our Senior Fellowship ministry will be meeting indoors on Saturday, June 22nd at 3:00 PM in the church Fellowship Hall for our annual picnic. There will be games and a picnic dinner. Feel free to bring something to share for dinner. All are invited, 50 years or older. Hope to see you there!
“Come eat so others can eat” is our theme for our 3rd annual chili cook-off event! Join us on sunday january 28TH for a community event, featuring judges, trophies and contestants in four different Chili categories. This fundraiser will help those in our community who are in need of food for their families. proceeds to…